The next day I did not wake up until 11 and decided to stay in bed anyway. Stu still did not have a costume for the icebreaker in the evening so I set about looking on the net for any movie or TV show set in the future so that I could get ideas for a simple costume. At around 1400, 4 hours before the icebreaker was due to start I settled on a thunderbirds costume that I could make using some red material I had found in the kitchen. It turned out pretty well considering I have not sown in years and have actually never seen thunderbirds. I was going dressed as a Star Trek red shirt, another show that I have scarcely watched.
The Icebreaker party is a gathering organized by all of the new students at UNIS where we have a meal, dancing and lots and lots of alcohol. Each Icebreaker party has a theme and this term we picked Time this is then split into four groups, prehistoric, medieval, 60’s/70’s and the future. Stu and I were in the future while Frances and Andrew were back in prehistory.
The cantina was decorated in the different themes and everyone was elaborately dressed with some amazing costumes. My favourite was Ingrid’s, one of our flat mates, who had come dressed as Apollo 11’s Saturn V rocket for the 60’s and 70’s especially awesome when she was dancing later on in the evening.

The meal was awesome and brilliantly prepared by the food group, while the entertainment group provided some entertaining songs one of which Stu had to sing a solo line, hilarious.
The whole evening was amazing and loads of fun getting to know everyone a bit more and drinking strange concoctions till 3 in the morning down at UNIS. We then piled into a taxi and headed to the after party in barrack 4, I only lasted till just gone 4 before heading home leaving Stu to have fun with the hangover he would get the next morning from the horrid beer they were drinking and the dreaded port. All in all it was an awesome night making a great number of new friends, so I will take that as a win.

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