Arriving at KHO we quickly made our way inside due to the -41 degree weather hindering us from looking up at the sky too long without freezing like statues. Once inside we were able to remove the many layers needed for the outside and get a pair of slippers provided by KHO.
NOTE: Only acceptable place to walk around with socks and sandals

We spit the group into two Stu, Andrew and I in one group while Frances Nicola and Stephan were in the other. Our group headed off with Dag to look at the MSP (meridian scanning photometer) as he showed us the procedure to calibrate the filter tilters. After a short swap over period our group sat with Margarite a post doc working on airglow around the Polar Regions. We then had a gander at all of the other instruments at our disposal around KHO. Conclusion: This place is awesome!
The rest of the evening was spent continuously running in and out of the building to look at the aurora and check the instrumental readings from the data room. Unfortunately Stu did not have his tripod with him so we were unable to get any photos of the aurora but we did get some of the data room.
At around midnight it was decided that we would head back to Longyearbyen and to bed to sleep. So that I could wake up bright and early for the Lie To Me finally in the morning.
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