Waking up on Saturday afternoon to a slightly lighter post midday sky I was able for the first time in over 6 months to sit down and read my book. We had decided that as a reward for making it out of the exams alive we would play geometry wars and Guitar Hero on the Xbox. We played Geometry Wars first and I got a score of over 1,000,000 for the first time. We then played a fair amount of Guitar Hero World Tour before cooking dinner (fishfingers and chocolate paste sandwiches, again). After dinner and a bit more guitar hero we took a nice little walk outside to have a gander at the northern lights to see if we could get a decent time lapse.

This is when I decided that I would be very classy and take my glass of wine out with me. Unfortunately when I placed my glass of wine down on the ground, given that it was roughly -19 out, it froze rendering the drink completely useless. A good photo opportunity though.

Stu and I then headed up to our scooter to check if it was working and to see if we could take it out for a spin. After getting it all cleared of snow and ice we got it off the pallets and Stu had a go at driving it with me sitting on the back. We headed out for Longyearbreen glacier, however, we did not have face masks so did not make it far before turning back to avoid frostbitten faces. Getting it back onto the pallets we came to the conclusion that we would need to take it down to the sea garage to get some repairs on the cat, which we will do on Monday. We then headed back in to get our camera equipment again and head out onto the frozen river running down the back of Nybyen to get some photos of the town and the mountains. After we got cold we headed back in for the night to watch and episode of Lie To Me before bed (I have got Stu to watch it from the beginning).

Sunday nothing to report apart from the fun conversations between friends and family that seem to occur on Sundays (you know who you are!).
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