I woke up feeling slightly more refreshed then I had the previous night (having a real bed does that). Having had my nice hot shower the night before, I got up and got dressed. This was followed by me climbing back onto my bed and talking to my older sister Amey on Skype of half an hour.
We had promised ourselves that today we would do some revision for the two exams we would be taking in two weeks’ time knowing we would not have much free time after Monday to do so. This, however, was an empty promise as they so often are when it comes to work so we went outside to hunt for Stu's snowmobile instead.
Stu and I raided Barrack 13 for a skidoo helmet, suit and boots to nab for the time we were there, easily finding ones that fit (we did get the boots wrong the first time, but we swapped and all was good). Having looked at a picture and description of what we were looking for the skidoo was easily found. We took the cover off of it and observed with trepidation the amount of snot that had taken residence there in the 8 months it had been sitting dormant on its wooden pallets. After some hunting and clearing of snow we found the reason why the back belt would not move and quickly set about clearing the snow from the variator belt and de-icing the track.
The track started to move. We did it!
Reversing the skidoo off of the pallets with the help of Andrew and Frances Stu was able to drive the skidoo in a nice small circle around a lamp post and back up to the pallets not really wanting to push it on his first time out. Having safely got it back in its bed and with its cover on we headed back inside away from the violent winds that seemed to be able to send the snow back up into the sky looking like it was falling upwards.
Later in the evening Andrew and Frances came round and we watched Monsters Inc. on my laptop in an effort to get the quotes out of my head, as they had taken up residence since i watched Pixar’s 25 magic moments, whilst we were in Oslo airport for the night.
Tomorrow we are heading into town to hopefully get some supplies.

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